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Careers at MBA

Careers at MBA

Since 1867 Montgomery Bell Academy has been helping build boys into good men throughout Nashville and Middle Tennessee. The MBA ideal of Gentleman, Scholar, Athlete is put into practice everyday throughout the community, in the classroom, and on the playing fields and performance stages.
MBA offers a challenging curriculum that prepares students fosters a love of learning while preparing students for success in college and beyond. It helps form bonds among classmates that last a lifetime, and provides transformative opportunities for students and faculty that can be found in very few independent schools.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter expressing their interest and qualifications for the position, along with a current resume, to Ms. Jennifer Howell, Assistant to the Head of School (
In addition, an online application should be completed by clicking here.
Director of Strength & Conditioning
Montgomery Bell Academy (MBA) seeks a full-time Strength and Conditioning Director. The Director will develop a program that prepares students in grades 7-12 to develop a foundation of fitness and to be peak performers in all physical pursuits. The Director will work closely with coaches across all of our athletic programs to deliver sport-specific training programs that will enhance the strength, speed, and agility of all athletes, and to lead athletes through transitions across athletic seasons. Please click here for a full job description, including responsibilities, qualifications, and application information.
High School Physics Teacher
Montgomery Bell Academy (MBA) seeks a full-time science teacher for the start of the 2025-26 school year. Ideal candidates will be prepared and willing to teach a range of physics classes to students in the 11th and 12th grades and possess a desire to tailor instruction, assessment, and advising in accordance with the current best practices for teaching boys. Please click here for a full job description, including responsibilities, qualifications, and application information.

Staff Accountant
Montgomery Bell Academy (MBA) seeks to hire a full-time Staff Accountant with direct accounting related responsibilities. Ideal applicants will be collaborative, detail and service oriented, analytical, a good communicator, and enjoy creating and documenting process and structure. Please click here for a full job description, including responsibilities, qualifications, and application information.
Director of Campus Safety & Security
Montgomery Bell Academy (MBA) seeks a highly qualified, experienced, full-time Director of Campus Safety & Security. Please click here for a full job description, including responsibilities, qualifications, and application information.
Montgomery Bell Academy is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not discriminate against employees or applicants on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, age, or any other characteristic protected under applicable state and federal laws.

Montgomery Bell Academy

4001 Harding Road
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 298-5514